Posted by : The Business Women Thursday, September 5, 2013


                After years of driving the same old car it’s finally time to go ahead and buy you something new and shiny. You know what you want, what you can pay and head off to the dealership. After looking around, there it is-the perfect car, in the perfect color and it fits right in your budget.  On your trip to the finance office, the dealer wants to show you one last car. He then shows you the perfect car, in the perfect color but this one has leather seats with warmers, a built in GPS, it comes with satellite radio and it even has talk to text. This is one so much better and you are smiling from ear to ear. Then he tells you the price, this one is a whopping $3000.00 more than the first car, but it’s so nice and it will only be $35.00 more dollars onto your monthly payments. You bite the bullet, get it and roll off the lot feeling like a million bucks.

What just happened? You had a plan, you knew what you wanted and what you could pay but somehow things went differently.  Guess what- You were upgraded!

This is a strategy that you should also practice in your business. Many people will come to you with preconceived ideas that know exactly what they want/need, however this not necessarily true.  Clients or potential clients may believe that they know exactly what they want without having explored all of the options. It’s part of your job to make sure that they are aware of all of the choices available to them.
Price will not always be the deciding factor, explain the value, and show the benefits.  When preparing your price points always have more than one category or level of service to offer. I suggest 3 levels minimum: Silver, Gold and Platinum (or any names that you deem fit). 

The most effective way to determine how you can upgrade your clients is to listen to what their needs are.  You can learn clients’ needs using a variety of methods. Two methods that I find helpful are: 1. Schedule a consultation or discovery session 2. Have the client to complete a predesigned questionnaire. Once you know what they are looking for, you can pitch the most fitting package that you offer.

Explain how you can solve their problem or cater to the pain point that they have. Benefit and value are what secures clients, be sure to upgrade your client’s as necessary.

Are you in need of help organizing your thoughts on business or formulating your business strategy? LaTasha West is an entrepreneur, speaker and certified small business development coach. To learn more visit

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