Come write with us at The Business 101 Magazine!

By submitting your Articles, you agree that has the full right to publish your articles and that you are the author of your submission. We ask that all articles be original to TB101 and not submitted to numerous other publications. If you do not want TB101 to have full rights to your submissions, please do not use your copywrited info. Create new names, ideas etc. so that you do not feel uncomfortable with submitting your business info.

Please do not send us excerpts/duplicates of your written works. You may submit images with your articles if you wish but they are not required.  There are no length requirements so there is not need to feel pressured by being a contributor to several blogs or your own to duplicate. If you find you are unable to meet your original submitted timeline you may decrease in order to fit your schedule. We want people drawn to our pages for originality and not to be bombarded with the same article from various sites they may be subscribed to therefore leaving them no reason to visit tb101.  After publishing feel free to link back to your blog post with us but again please do not duplicate the identical post on another or your own blog. We ran into this issues with the printed issues and it’s just not acceptable to see the same article in multiple digital publications in the same month.

Submit all articles in WORD format.

While we do not provide a written style guide that applies to every writer we ask that you use your best judgement in representing yourself and the magazine online or on paper.  Develop your writing style and be confident in your writing.

Plan your editorial calendar. Know when new articles are due and make it apart of your schedule.
Topic Selection: You field may be money management but maybe one day a personal experience leads you to write about a “parent” moment. We encourage you to switch it up sometimes and express your ENTIRE self on our pages. Maybe its poetry, maybe it’s your experience buying a new car. Always be open to new ideas and topics and you won’t find it so hard to create new original submissions.

Always include proper attribution of data, quotations, and other third-party content referenced in the article.

Please avoid being self-promotional in the body of your article. This should be an original article not an article centered around promoting your services. TB101 works very hard to promote your endeavors and so there is no need to clog the blog with something doing the same. Anything we are not aware of you can send it to us and we will get the word out. Save the business info and SELF promotion for your author bio.

Remember our main demographic is women but our articles are read by men as well. All articles do not have to be business related but relateable in some way to women as a whole. Please proof your articles for any issues before submission. We want articles that are engaging and interesting.

All contributors receive free advertising on the website and newsletter. It is their responsible to submit professional ad’s in the requested formats and sizes in order to participate. Ad placement is free for regular contributors who meet their obligations. You can have placement in any or all of the following:

600 x150 bar – website (large sidebar) OR 300 x 150 bar- website (small sidebar)
150 x 150 button - sponsor page
200 x 200 button - newsletter

Other than be professional and high resolution, there are no specific requirements other than size. Your photos do not have to be included as this is more geared to your branding and would match your other media and be like any other ad to appeal to potential clients.

There is no deadline as you may have to discuss with your branding vendors etc. if you did not already have these prepared for other sites but as they are received they will be added/replaced.

When ready just submit in JPG form to this address with the subject line CONTRIBUTOR AD PLACEMENT.

Let’s grow together!

Email submissions and inquires to

If you would like to be a regular contributor (to the website) sign up now(must have professional hi-res photo(s) and submit at a minimum of every two weeks--no length requirements. Send full bio in text format ,photo, name of segment if preference, and  contact information you would like on banner if preference. Once your banner is up you may submit at anytime. We will only post once a week (if you send multiples at once). Email any inquires and questions.  INFO@TB101MAGAZINE.COM

We are still seeking regular contributors in the areas of Parenting/Family - Health- Beauty-Technology-Inspiration-Career and more!

These are non-monetary compensation based roles. As most contributors have businesses and hectic schedules you may stop at any time.

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