Entrepreneurs: Protect Your Ideas.

According to Entrepreneurship Education — a core curriculum designed to teach kids in grades 4-12 what they need to know in order to run their own businesses — 80 percent of today’s college graduates will not be able to find a job in their chosen field of study. Given those statistics, it should not be surprising to learn 54 percent of those people aged 18 to 34 want to start their own businesses. When starting a new company, safeguarding your assets is essential to help your business thrive.

Back it Up in the Cloud

You probably know you are supposed to back up your data pertaining to anything of importance. This, of course, is of particular importance when you are brainstorming ideas of your business or hatching new plans to overtake your competition. PCMag.com’s lead analyst, Michael Muchmore, provides a great breakdown of a dozen cloud storage services. Keep the pricing structure and the type of plans available in mind when researching. Look for convenient features, such as folder syncing and mobile access, that make it simple to backup your data.

Add a Device

Don’t rely on just your cloud storage, though. Make a plan for those times when you might not be able to access the cloud. Having an external backup method in place gives you instant access to your data. While a USB device is a good choice for on-the-go data backup, choose an external drive for a full backup. CNET.com reviews external drives and offers unbiased opinions on the best products. Though price can be a big factor, buying the biggest capacity drive today will serve you well through the years.

Thwart Theft

According to the latest FBI statistics, dated in 2011, there were more than 2.2 million burglaries across the United States, an increase of almost 10 percent over 2010 figures. While many thieves are likely targeting your big screen television and heirloom jewelry, your electronic devices are also a target. With the advances in the industry today, you can truly devise your own unique DIY home security alarm. Set up sensors designed to alert you when one aspect of your security system is compromised. Get alerts of breaking crime reports in your neighborhood on your mobile device. You can even watch your home from your laptop or mobile device with the 24/7 access available today.

Bump up the Insurance

Though you likely already have homeowner, or renter, insurance, you might need a rider on your existing plan to cover any business related items that are damaged or destroyed in the event of a fire or theft. Although insurance might cover the cost, premiums go up, and your productivity goes down. Your best bet is to protect your assets by securing them at all times.
Being proactive with your assets, including your business computer, can help your new business get off to a great start. But regardless of whether you’ve just registered your LLC or you’ve had your own thriving business for years, safeguarding your company’s assets should be at the top of your to-do list.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

How to Optimize Your Business Dreams
World progress needs entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs need structure. Startup survival rates have decreased in the last 20 years according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, largely because of over-scaling and overspending. It’s exciting to dive into your dreams with passion and prowess, and it’s easy to overlook the importance of daily fluidity in the process. Fran Lebowitz says to “think before you speak,” but “read before you think,” and nothing could hold truer in the business world. Consider the simple wisdom of the experts as you embark on your entrepreneurial dreams. You don’t need a trust fund or an Einstein-ian IQ to poise your dreams for success; you just need organized planning, practical knowledge and motivated consistency.

Don’t be a Comfort Martyr
Sometime since the industrial revolution, Americans got the idea that there’s something noble about back-breaking work. There’s nothing noble about intentionally pushing your physical limits to the point of pain. Roughly $20 billion dollars is spent each year on repetitive stress injuries that could have been prevented. Paul Edwards, author of “Working from Home” recommends that self-starters always make comfortable surroundings a priority. Ergonomically correct positioning seems like a small consideration, but the damage can be irreversible.

Make Organization a Priority
The average executive spends three whole hours a week looking for things: files, papers, staples, etc . . . which adds up to almost 3.5 weeks a year. Petty organization may seem like a waste of time in the wake of your “grand scheme,” but Edwards points out that it’s one of the most valuable daily time-savers there is. Color coding, alphabetizing, filing by date and printing labels meticulously can theoretically save you enough time to take that dream trip to Bora Bora. No one is above organization.

Minimize Errands
Since 1982, the time the average American spends waiting in traffic has doubled, and the trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon. In the digital age, there are very few necessary errands left. Look into postage machines for small businesses to save time and money, order food, and buy office supplies in bulk at least six months out—this will free up your “errand space” or pivotal networking opportunities or even a much needed nap.

Get To Know Deductions
Tax law isn’t fun, especially for someone who is focused on the big picture potential of their dreams. It is, however, one of the most valuable sets of knowledge any entrepreneur can acquire. A good accountant can guide you, but as an entrepreneur, it’s your responsibility to save and organize all of your documentation. Good record keeping is the key to maximum tax savings and painless audits, points out Sam Fawaz, financial planner, to “Entrepreneur Magazine.” He outlines the 15 major tax laws entrepreneurs should familiarize themselves with here.

Don’t Blur Your Ground Rules
Finally, the key to a balanced, successful entrepreneurial life is abiding by your own rules. Richard Rabinowitz is an entrepreneur that runs a multi-million dollar enterprise from his home called “Digital Photo Academy.” He owes his ability to keep his team—and dreams in line to keeping a strict schedule and never blurring certain lines: work hours, clean up, even personal calls and family issues are handled outside of work. This allows for maximum focus and organization. The details may seem tedious, but learning them is instrumental in reaching your big-picture dreams.

Most of all…

Embrace the Battle of Entrepreneurship

My famous quote that came directly from my experiences unleashing the “entrepreneur within” is this…. “half the battle of being an entrepreneur, is loving the battle of being an entrepreneur.” No one said it was going to be easy. No one told us that you will come out without scars. My words to you are to embrace the journey. Here’s how I find comfort in a crazy busy entrepreneur’s day:

1)      Wake up with gratitude. Day in and day out.
2)      Celebrate wins and learn from your defeats.
3)      Be thankful that you are doing what you always dreamed of. Be an inspiration to others.
4)      Be courageous in every effort whether going to an event, trying something new, implementing a new system, speaking to an audience; do it with courage and compassion.
5)      Learn often. It’s so important to be a lifelong learner as an entrepreneur. We do not know everything going in, but we are destined to learn everything coming out.
6)      Lead with the heart. When you are a business owner you are destined to become a leader. Do it with compassion, heart, empathy, truth and brilliance. Shine on!
7)      Stay in your lane. Do not try to do everything yourself, be you. Be more than you can be, but do not try to be something you are not. Outsource/hire out the tasks that you do not like to do, to remain happy.
8)      Encourage others and embrace help. People are there for you; they are all around. Embrace their help, their encouragement, their advice and do the same for them.

It is my hope that some of those nuggets of #entrepreneurInspiration will bless you and your business or your ministry.

Now, let’s go get ‘em!

Join the TEW Movement at www.tewyou.com


Entrepreneurship is Certainly Not as Easy as Pie 

Entrepreneurship is certainly not as easy as pie. In fact, it can be more complex than a Rubik’s Cube! There will be days when you soar above the clouds and days when you feel as if life is caving in quicker than you can imagine.

I must admit, today I caved in fast and furious.  Every which way I turned the cave got deeper and deeper! The morning was filled with client emergencies, fires that could not be put out, products that did not arrive as promised, and kids that needed mom when they were supposed to be self-sufficient by now (ages 6 and 11). Oh, yes, a rush job got cancelled at the last minute, we missed our radio show because of 1,001 emergencies and to top that off with a cherry we lost one of our largest clients due to unforeseen circumstances. Not even Superwoman could save my day! Above all, I had quite a few instances where I let fear set in.   I share all of this because I want to encourage and inspire others to NEVER GIVE UP!  Even when you think you are super-duper-entrepreneur, life and business situations can change within the blink of an eye. I also believe that many entrepreneurs feel that they are “alone” in all of the challenges that they face. You are not alone.

With all of the trials, tribulations, adversity, let-downs and issues that rose with today’s sun, I had to step back and remind myself that I am an E-N-T-R-E-P-R-E-N-E-U-R. Duhhh, we were made for days like this, remember? Strong, courageous, flexible, resilient, brave, faithful, fearless and full of VISION. What the heck was I thinking?

We all have days like this. Heck, we will have months like this. What we must remember is that we were built for this. Embrace change, tackle those issues, remain triumphant, remind yourself that you are here because you once had a VISION. In summary, slow down, take a breath and remember to “Trust Your Vision.”
So after that morning, I came up with a few ideas to divert my attention, regain my composure and re-invigorate myself. I think they are pretty simple, and they got the job done. Just thought I’d share in case you find yourself in a similar situation
  • Grab a coffee (or your favorite drink) – you know, the one that makes you smile :)
  • Go outside. Get some Vitamin D – it does wonders for the body, mind and spirit.
  • Call your coach (or your mom) (or both!) – if you don’t have a coach, I suggest you find one. We all need one. My mom was at work :(
  • Pick up a pen + your journal – draw and doodle for a while (it lets out tension), write about your ‘vision’ for your business and remind yourself WHY you chose this path to begin with!
  • Exercise or take a walk – I took a walk and meditated a bit. This helped me regain my composure and resurface after all the craziness!
 Of course, everyone will bounce back in their own due time, but sometimes you need to allow yourself a little pick me up time. Allow yourself a bit of sunshine in on a gloomy and tough day. Allow yourself a bit of creative freedom by grabbing that pen and paper. Allow yourself to vent to a friend or business coach that you know has your best interest at hand. Allow yourself to STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER and take an “entrepreneur’s time-out” ~ and finally, allow yourself to “trust your vision” and you’ll be on the road to a better day tomorrow!  My ultimate words of wisdom for this scenario: do not keep all of this “hoopla” inside or you will burst!

P.S. Keep your dream alive!
P.S.S. I guess I’ll go do my homework now! #graduation2014

Julie M. Holloway of JMH Cre8ive Solutions and Author of The Entrepreneur Within You (book) is a native of Chicago, IL where she currently resides with her husband Darnell and two children, Jasmine and D.J.  Holloway is a gifted graphic and web designer, artist and marketing professional.  Holloway’s signature quote is “half the battle of being an entrepreneur is loving the battle of being an entrepreneur.” Contact her  at  info@JMHCre8ive.com or visit online at  www.JMHCre8ive.com and www.TheEntrepreneurWithin.org

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