Posted by : The Business Women Monday, August 12, 2013

A Woman’s World
In this intricate space of limitless creativity, multitasking and all things beautiful, A Woman’s World is spectacular in motion. We give untiringly and often find ourselves tucked away in a quiet corner seeking a single moment of solace. Men try to figure out how to keep pace, a feat they may never achieve. What makes this an amazing place to inhabit is the bond of strength that knits our hearts together through priceless experiences we collectively share as a whole.

Our society has led us to believe that it is acceptable to criticize, scandalize and ostracize one another. There is nothing honorable about belittling someone in order to appear superior in stature. We are all cut from the same fabric of femininity and must learn how to celebrate our unique differences.

It is no secret that you are a mighty force to be reckoned with and yet it is the very thing that prevents you from connecting on a deeper level with others. Permit your shield of armor to fall completely to the ground as you embrace a moment to be vulnerable, delicate and tender as a budding rose. Refuse to allow the thorns of life to make you bitter, instead choose to rise above the pain that binds.

How do you show up in your world as a woman? Have you taken time to assess the valuable qualities that possess? Are you rehearsing old wounds, mistakes and disappointments of the past? Do you constantly second guess your best efforts? When was the last time tears filled your eyes with gratitude for every battle won? If you continue to dwell in the den of yesterday, how will you ever behold the fields of your future?

A Woman’s World was created to be as peaceful as a meadows stream, where heavy hearts may rest and daring souls are unleashed to dream.  A Woman’s World, is a puzzle that even the most brilliant minds have yet to figure out. A Woman’s World is designed to cultivate champions of faith not cowards of doubt. A Woman’s World must be governed by attentive detail and loving care.  A Woman’s World is a magnificent mountain of possibilities in a tumultuous sea of insecurities. A Woman’s World is like no other and what an amazing work of art when we unite as one in unstoppable locomotion.

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