Posted by : The Business Women Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Entrepreneurship is certainly not as easy as pie. In fact, it can be more complex than a Rubik’s Cube! There will be days when you soar above the clouds and days when you feel as if life is caving in quicker than you can imagine.

I must admit, today I caved in fast and furious.  Every which way I turned the cave got deeper and deeper! The morning was filled with client emergencies, fires that could not be put out, products that did not arrive as promised, and kids that needed mom when they were supposed to be self-sufficient by now (ages 6 and 11). Oh, yes, a rush job got cancelled at the last minute, we missed our radio show because of 1,001 emergencies and to top that off with a cherry we lost one of our largest clients due to unforeseen circumstances. Not even Superwoman could save my day! Above all, I had quite a few instances where I let fear set in.   I share all of this because I want to encourage and inspire others to NEVER GIVE UP!  Even when you think you are super-duper-entrepreneur, life and business situations can change within the blink of an eye. I also believe that many entrepreneurs feel that they are “alone” in all of the challenges that they face. You are not alone.

With all of the trials, tribulations, adversity, let-downs and issues that rose with today’s sun, I had to step back and remind myself that I am an E-N-T-R-E-P-R-E-N-E-U-R. Duhhh, we were made for days like this, remember? Strong, courageous, flexible, resilient, brave, faithful, fearless and full of VISION. What the heck was I thinking?

We all have days like this. Heck, we will have months like this. What we must remember is that we were built for this. Embrace change, tackle those issues, remain triumphant, remind yourself that you are here because you once had a VISION. In summary, slow down, take a breath and remember to “Trust Your Vision.”
So after that morning, I came up with a few ideas to divert my attention, regain my composure and re-invigorate myself. I think they are pretty simple, and they got the job done. Just thought I’d share in case you find yourself in a similar situation
  • Grab a coffee (or your favorite drink) – you know, the one that makes you smile :)
  • Go outside. Get some Vitamin D – it does wonders for the body, mind and spirit.
  • Call your coach (or your mom) (or both!) – if you don’t have a coach, I suggest you find one. We all need one. My mom was at work :(
  • Pick up a pen + your journal – draw and doodle for a while (it lets out tension), write about your ‘vision’ for your business and remind yourself WHY you chose this path to begin with!
  • Exercise or take a walk – I took a walk and meditated a bit. This helped me regain my composure and resurface after all the craziness!
 Of course, everyone will bounce back in their own due time, but sometimes you need to allow yourself a little pick me up time. Allow yourself a bit of sunshine in on a gloomy and tough day. Allow yourself a bit of creative freedom by grabbing that pen and paper. Allow yourself to vent to a friend or business coach that you know has your best interest at hand. Allow yourself to STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER and take an “entrepreneur’s time-out” ~ and finally, allow yourself to “trust your vision” and you’ll be on the road to a better day tomorrow!  My ultimate words of wisdom for this scenario: do not keep all of this “hoopla” inside or you will burst!

P.S. Keep your dream alive!
P.S.S. I guess I’ll go do my homework now! #graduation2014

Julie M. Holloway of JMH Cre8ive Solutions and Author of The Entrepreneur Within You (book) is a native of Chicago, IL where she currently resides with her husband Darnell and two children, Jasmine and D.J.  Holloway is a gifted graphic and web designer, artist and marketing professional.  Holloway’s signature quote is “half the battle of being an entrepreneur is loving the battle of being an entrepreneur.” Contact her  at or visit online at and

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