Posted by : The Business Women Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Entrepreneurship is OH SO SEXY! (but it ain’t easy)

                I sign my own checks and I love how that feels. In this rough economy many people are finding creative ways to make ends meet and entrepreneurship is all the rave.  Ask any entrepreneur if their job is easy and you will continuously hear NO! You will probably hear that this is the hardest task that they have ever taken on.  They have stayed up many nights wondering how in the world they were going to get things done, how they were going to make that light bill payment, second guessing if they made the right choice, and the list goes on. That sounds terrible right? Well ask them if they would trade entrepreneurship for a steady paycheck again and you will again continuously hear NO! 

You know why? Entrepreneurship is sexy! There is something about putting all those broken pieces to together to make a complete puzzle that makes you feel like a million bucks. Add to that the joy of unlimited income potential, flexible scheduling and the ability to be as creative as you want you have a winning combination.

If you are considering taking the plunge, know that starting a business requires a lot of work and even more guts. Entrepreneurship is not for the weak.

 I know you are probably thinking that doesn’t sound so sexy to me, well look at it like this:

Yesterday I decided I was going to take a trip to visit my family, yes midweek- I did not have to call up a boss or manager. I got in my car, grabbed my phone and laptop and I was on the road to visit my family.
I decided I wanted to earn more money- I developed a new income stream to offer to current and future clients and I gave myself a raise!

I needed more challenging work- I designed a new program coaching program which allows me to push myself and my clients further in business.

The list continues. Over the last couple of years, I have realized that not only do most entrepreneurs love being in control of their own destiny, they would not trade it if given then choice. Making your own path is sexier than any other job that I can think of, how about you?

LaTasha West is an entrepreneur, speaker and certified small business development coach. To learn more visit

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. I agree I love working for myself , I do not like working for others. Yes it is hard but when you make the money It worth it


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